30 March 2011

A New Best Friend

My son recently decided that Peter Pan is the most amazing super hero of all time.  Until this past weekend I just couldn't figure out why Peter Pan was so amazing.  I thought maybe it was because he could actually fly without wings, unlike Batman or Buzz Lightyear.  Maybe it was that Peter Pan is a young boy with a sword,  dressed in forest green tights, surrounded by laughing children.  To my surprise it was none of the above.  It wasn't the tights, the flying powers, or the ability to fight Hook while laughing.  He had chosen Peter Pan because of his shadow.  If we go to the store, so does Peter Pan.  If we go to school, so does Peter Pan. If we are playing at home, so is Peter Pan.  The best thing about this new friendship is that I do not have to keep track of a plastic toy nor do I ever forget to bring him with us on our daily outings.  It is so amazing to watch Branson and Peter Pan (Branson's shadow) interact.  They fight, jump, run and twirl.  It is this kind of friendship that reminds me of the Holy Spirit.  Constantly available, unable to disappoint or cause harm, comforting, dependable, and loves light over darkness.   So when you step outside today and see your shadow remember we all have a best friend who will never leave us, who has unlimited super powers, and who loves us no matter if we are fighting, jumping, running, or twirling.  

11 March 2011

O How I Love Reality

Sometimes I forget that my son has SPD.  I subconsciously know that the SPD is there, but I get busy running kids around town, buying groceries, and doing mommy things.  I look at it this way, either  I enjoy visiting lala land as a survival technique or my son is actually overcoming enough hurdles that days are becoming easier.  One could also argue that it is a combination of both and that we are just getting comfortable with SPD.  What ever the case may be, it is days such as these where someone has to remind me of his struggles before I snap back into reality.  I laugh now thinking of all the times I would get upset when others would focus on his inability's.  Now I just smile because I know that my son is different, but it is a good different.  He may not be able to climb rocks, but he loves deep.  He may get scared of unpredictable noises, but he has a spirit of peace that lights up every room he enters.  He may not speak perfectly, but he can sing like an angel.

So for all you parents out there fighting the SPD fight:

Rejoice in reality. Speak goodness over your children. Lift them up when the world wants to knock them down. Focus on their strengths and praise their accomplishments.  But most of all,  find comfort in knowing that our little ones are predestined for glory.